Let’s not beat around the bush; the Ram 3500 can tow 35,100 pounds.
Fitted with a 6.7-liter Cummins Turbo Diesel boasting 1000 lb-ft of torque, this Starbucks-sized truck can haul anything. What weighs 35,100 pounds, you might ask? Well, you may need to pull a tractor trailer, topple a statue of a dictator or relocate your brother-in-law’s space shuttle.
Naturally, with six wheels and stretching six feet longer than a Toyota Corolla, Ram’s flagship navigates city streets with the grace of an elephant through an office space. Still, if you want the ultimate family and cargo hauler, you’ve found it.
– Chris Butsch, The Travel 100 car reviewer, has test driven hundreds of cars. He is a member of GAAMA, the Greater Atlanta Automotive Media Association.