Imagine a luxury cruise ship that looks like a plane suspended in the sky where …
We’ve seen a trend for hotel rooms without closets.But without a roof or walls? That’s …
Test your daring at Hudson Yards with two attractions with killer skyline views.
You won’t get a chocolate or mint at turndown service at this hotel.
My husband, Chris, isn’t much for shopping when we travel.
Around 700 airplanes are retired every year, usually after flying about 25 years.
Traveling to Europe Next Year? You’re Going to Need to Apply For This Before You Go
by Jan SchroderAdd this to your list of things to do before traveling to Europe – apply …
Part of the fun of being a travel writer is going outside my comfort zone.
Every year the Wall Street Journal ranks the nine largest airlines based on seven categories …
Who can forget Dustin Hoffman dressed as a woman in the 1982 movie of “Tootsie.