Wake up inside a brewery with the refreshing smells of fermentation when you stay at DogHouse Columbus in Ohio, the world’s first craft beer hotel. Located inside BrewDog USA Brewhouse, the hotel includes 32 beer-themed rooms.
Enjoy beer spa treatments, hop-infused toiletries and a view into the brewery. Each room has Punk IPA on tap, and a beer fridge in your shower proves you can have your beer and shower too.
There’s an interactive craft beer museum, the Brewdog Beer Museum, where you can grab a brew and get hands-on with ingredients that make the world’s most popular alcoholic drink.
– Visit here to see more photos of the beer fridge, the suites and the brewery.
Waiting for your conditioner to fully moisturize your hair is more pleasant when you can grab a brew while you wait to rinse.
Every room at DogHouse Columbus has a beer tap and a fridge stocked with beer.
Suites have a view of inside the brewery.
Here’s to one time you’ll want to spend time in the DogHouse.
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