(Photo by Josiah Weiss for Unsplash)
The best pizza joint in Chicago. Where to rent bikes in Denver. The most amazing hotel to stay in when you see Machu Picchu. Our favorite travel product to make long flights easier. These are the kind of stories you can read in The Travel 100.
We write reviews on just about anything to do with travel, including hotels, destinations, cruises, products and cars. We also have a YouTube channel where we post travel-related videos.
What does the 100 mean in The Travel 100?
The Travel 100 is a publication of The 100 Companies, a digital publishing company in more than 24 markets. It primarily distributes enewsletters and is sending more than 1 million every month.
Each newsletter had 12-15 stories, each exactly 100 words. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn with one photo and 100 words. It’s not like a chocolate chip cookie where a smaller morsel isn’t satisfying – our 100-word stories will inform and entertain you without the need for a lengthy investment of your time. That’s our goal anyway. We know you’re busy and have videos of bears playing in baby pools to watch.
While the stories in our monthly publication are 100 words, many of them link to much longer travel-related content on our website.
Who writes The Travel 100?
Our staff and contributors at The Travel 100 are primarily professional journalists although we welcome stories from readers who’ve traveled and wish to share their experiences.
Our publisher, Chris Schroder, is an award-winning writer in addition to being the founder and president of The 100 Companies. Prior to that he worked for six daily newspapers, founded a newspaper company and a public relations firm.
Our Editor-in-chief, Jan Schroder, is an award-winning writer who was a staff writer on a travel magazine, a newspaper editor and a book author. She has written for Global Traveler, WestJet, Celebrated Living, Fodor’s and Orbitz and appears on radio shows as a travel expert.
Chris Butsch, our car reviewer, has been reviewing cars weekly for several years and is a member of GAAMA, the Greater Atlanta Automotive Media Association. Other contributors include several members of the Society of American Travel Writers.
How can I get involved?
• Want to have our newsletter delivered free to your inbox?
Subscribe on the homepage and we’ll add you to our list. Don’t worry – we don’t sell our lists and otherwise annoy you by sharing your address.
• Do you have a travel-related company that’s interested in sponsorships or partnering with us?
Contact our Publisher, Chris Schroder, at chris@the100companies.
• Do you have story ideas?
Contact our Editor-in-chief, Jan Schroder, at jan@the100companies.com. If you have products you’d like us to review, you can also contact Jan to get details on that.
We’re glad you’re here – now go take a look around and start planning your next adventure!
Note: We have affiliate relationships with some companies, like Amazon. If you order a product from our link your price is the same but we receive a small commission. We only write about products we believe in!